by angr77 » Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:46 pm
Just updated my MD to firmware 20120303....and also saw that the MDM was raised to 20120303.
Updating the firmware went fine on my MD...I was even able to post my MDM config file to MD...but after rebooting MD...It was impossible to attach to the MD device from MDM. When opening midi in MDM...nor the firmware version or the amount of channels show up.
After a some serious error investigations...I saw the midichain ID on the MD had been set to 255 (A value that you can't even set)
Setting this to 0 again...everthing work okay. (And my problems getting/saving data from MDM to MD was still there...but I can live with them for the moment.)
Best Regards
Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5