Sorry if the answer to my question could have been found in a pos, I searched for some time but probably at the wrong place.
I want to use my MD for various setups and I'm figuring out how I need to wire the break-out boxes for maximum flexibility. I'm wondering if I could connect my edrums dual zone for all options OR the edrums with only primary zones and my future midi mallet controller to all secondary zone channels. That way I could play them both (not at the same time ).
I would connect the tips of all female stereo jack connectors to a sub-d 25pins (A) and the rings to a second sub-d 25pins (B). To play the drums I would connect both A and B to MD. To use the midi mallet controller I would unplug B from the MD and plug in a third sub-d 25pins (C) to MD which connects to the midi mallet controller triggers.
Now I have three questions:
1. It would be easier to program MD if the MD software accepts that the secondary zones are not necessarily in sequencial inputs as is in MDM. Is that possible?
2. Would e.g. a Roland CY8 respond to the edge (no bow/choking required) when connected as single zone?
3. I'm not experienced with MD, any better ideas to achieve the same goal?
Thanks in advance!