Hi Dmitri,
i have a problem with the SuperiorDrummer3 - MuteHit.
This MuteHit can be triggered with the DampenedNote from MD with
1. Press and Hold Choke
2. Hit the Edge
3. Release the Choke
all fine - the MuteHit sound is played.
But: The next EdgeHits without pressing Choke are still MuteHits
not the expected Edge-Sounds...
that only changes when I press again the Choke.
ChokedEdge / MuteHits are Locked as long as i Choke again to release.
I know at first its a problem in SuperiorDrummer3
because the NoteOff comes before Aftertouch-0 and SD3
can not assign the Aftertouch-0 to the Note (50).
But it seems that this can not be corrected by SD3.
Maybe you have an idea or workaround to solve this problem?
A Screenshot from SD3 describes the Problem > noteOff before Aftertouch-0.
Greetings from Germany