kupooglop wrote:Hmm... That's the thing. Not all the settings get lost. The ones that get lost are:
hihatPedal->misc->(type, curve, alt input)
Set to Pot, Log1, Yes and all three are preserved.
hihatPedal->levels->(low, high, open, semiOpen, halfOpen, closed)
Set to 20, 800, 12, 42, 72, 102 - all preserved with AutoLevels set to No so that not to affect Low/High levels.
a few of the hihat notes changed, and lastly, p1, p2, p3 changed on the customcurve #4
Set to 2,3,4 - all preserved.
A couple of the "disabled notes" check boxes don't persist in mdm either. The ones I noticed were:
hihat head/bow 3rd zone alt note & pressroll note and hihat rim/edge alt note & pressroll note.
There is no such thing as "disabled notes" check boxes in MDM. Check boxes next to Alt/Pressroll notes are there to link them to main Notes. These check boxes are cleared on loading settings from MegaDrum.