Hmmm, it's a while since that last Friday but anyway, here's what we found as solution for this problem (after a few try-outs):
Before we started recording I was playing in my basement, solid concrete floor, so I was used to have low treshhold levels. Now we are playing in an older house on the 2nd (wooden) floor and everything is moving whilst playing, so instead of double triggering on one pad the movements were causing false triggering on different pads.
Extra muffling on the pads, higher treshold level are the solution.
For now the drum is sounding good, I could post my currently settings but I'm affaid they are usefull in this specific situation, I'm sure when I have my kit back in my basement I could finetune even more. This however makes it in my opinion dangerous for live performances cause I'll never know in what situation Ill have on stage.
Any suggestions here or tips and trics that anyone experienced?