56 input MDM keeps triggering note 63

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Re: 56 input MDM keeps triggering note 63

Postby autumnsheart666 » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:58 pm

Okay, that actually DID make it stop, so im assuming without troubling you without more screenshots, that I will need to identify each port doing this and reassign? Ill see if that works and let you guys know... Last time I got port to stop triggering I could not get anything to work. Ill keep you posted, thank you for all of your help so far!
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Re: 56 input MDM keeps triggering note 63

Postby airflamesred » Tue Feb 21, 2017 8:51 am

autumnsheart666 wrote:Okay, that actually DID make it stop, so im assuming without troubling you without more screenshots, that I will need to identify each port doing this and reassign? Ill see if that works and let you guys know... Last time I got port to stop triggering I could not get anything to work. Ill keep you posted, thank you for all of your help so far!

Press the blue arrowst to the right of 'note', 'alt note' etc and this will copy the settings to all the other channels.

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Re: 56 input MDM keeps triggering note 63

Postby autumnsheart666 » Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:13 pm

I thought I replied but I guess it didn't post... That worked, so what ive done is went ahead and just went into each input that is triggering 63 and disabled it, im getting the hang of it now. Its a process, and I could not get it to work before, only seems to work if I go one by one, and I have to disable them, reassigning wont work unless I disable first. Weird, but it looks like this will end up working... Thanks for all of your help. Ill post again if I have any issues
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