Coming back to the issues using MDM and post settings to the MD.
I did update my MD with the latest firmware (20120218) this morning - (Seems to be important to open the midi channel first one time to open the relationship with the MD device before closing the Midi channel...and go in to Firmware update menu) ...So far no problems! I did use my 32-bit Windows 7 system - A system with properly power on the USB port which seems to work well. (and where you can read back all settings from MD to the MDM like the hihat settings without any problems)
The MD Device is after a firmware update completely resetted (Factory settings), so you need to post your settings from MDM again. (I have a nice MDS file on my site...) (I am also always manually setting the MD Device to AltEncoders=Yes, Autoload Configuration=Yes, USB 3 etc)
When pushing the button "send all" in MDM...everything seems to be normal. You will see the update bar working on the side of the "Live Updates" button.
Then, if I step in to the MD and recheck on each pad...none of them have not been updated...MD is still showing the factory settings for each pad, for an example like the Highlevel Auto=Checked etc something that I never use in my configuration. It seems like there is only problems with the Pad settings...more generic settings like LCD Contrast, Hihat Levels, Notes are always set in a proper way using the "send all" function.
Am I doing anything wrong in this step? Should I maybe press "Save to Slot 1" after using "send all".
Work Around - The only way to update each PAD is to use the "send" button in the PAD Panel...then after close/open the midi connection and then jump in and recheck the settings on the MD device, that the settings was updated. Sometimes they are...sometimes not...
Good guessings are more than welcome!