Post your successful trigger settings

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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby everson » Tue May 22, 2012 2:41 pm

I`d like to see it too ...
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby talrusher » Tue May 29, 2012 6:17 pm

angr77 wrote:Talrusher,

If i ask you kindly...would you like to post your mds file?

I was tempted to see your hihat settings (like retriggering) etc!!

Best Regards


hi ;)

for the hats i have set for both zones rim/edge the same settings:
retrigger 2 dylvl 0 and dyntime 8; minscan i have set to 40 because of the falsetrigger. the thing is to mount the hat right. you have to try it for yourself. dont tighten it too much.
set it to logarythmic 1.

i have set all my pads to loga1 and the hilevel as high as possible, but with reaching the max everytime i want. for hihat too.

the software i use is superiordrummer 2.3. the best i think.

dont know how a real drum feels and responds, because i have only played my own edrum. but it feels right.

my english is very bad, sry for it.
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby angr77 » Wed May 30, 2012 8:26 pm

Very nice talrusher! Thanks!

I am going to test it out. I have problems to get the right feeling in my Roland VH-11, especially on the open/closed hihat. My feeling is that it reacts too slow for some reason. I tried the auto high level function to really get the high/low settings...but nothing happend. Maybe it was set too low/high value already which results in no change of the value.

Here is my settings based on what you said:


The snare, toms and kick became nearly perfect according to your recommendations.

Best Regards
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby cruiten » Wed May 30, 2012 11:14 pm


What DualMidPoint and DualMidWidth settings did you end up using for your Snare Rim setting? Apparently those settings are not part of the MDS file because I do not see them in the file that you posted.

By the way, do you know if there is there any way to set these two settings for the rims via MegaDrum Manager?


Cor Ruiten
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby dmitri » Thu May 31, 2012 1:29 pm

cruiten wrote:By the way, do you know if there is there any way to set these two settings for the rims via MegaDrum Manager?

Yes, if Head is set as Dual or 3way Yamaha and Rim is set as Piezo.
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby cruiten » Thu May 31, 2012 4:20 pm

dmitri wrote:
cruiten wrote:By the way, do you know if there is there any way to set these two settings for the rims via MegaDrum Manager?

Yes, if Head is set as Dual or 3way Yamaha and Rim is set as Piezo.

Dmitri, thank you for that tip; it was not clear to me that I had to set it to a different head/bow type in order to maintain those two settings.

In addition, I now see that the MDS file does not directly contain these two values but rather only contains a single value in the third zone section called "threshold". It appears that this single value represents ((DualMidPoint X 16) + DualMidWidth).

Is there any "rule of thumb" that this calculated "threshold" value must be lower/higher than the Head/Bow or Rim/Edge Threshold values?

Can you explain how this calculated "threshold" value is compared with values from the head/bow piezo and the rim piezo for regular piezo/piezo drums like a snare or tom drum?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby dmitri » Thu May 31, 2012 5:26 pm

For dual piezo/piezo pads Threshold on the 3rd zone has no meaning and this is why it is disabaled in MDM. Still the same "threshold" byte in the configuration is used for storing MidPoint/MidPointWidth values for dual piezo/piezo pads- 4 high bits for storing MidPoint and 4 low bits for storing MiPointWidth.
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby angr77 » Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:14 pm

Hi all!

I have given my Roland VH-11 another shot - in my goal trying to find the right settings for the MegaDRUM Device...
I actually got a better feeling with the hihat pedal when changing MegaDRUM to use the voltage dividers. (I have a three way switch on my device). Instead I did enable the "altin" checkbox in MegaDRUM manager which seems to have done magic to the pedal feeling. Now it was totally possible to control the area very near to "Hihat Closed" in a more normal way.

I have been practising Talrushed findings and created a new setup. It now looks like this.


Best Regards

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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby Sabre » Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:40 pm

angr77 wrote:I tried the auto high level function to really get the high/low settings...but nothing happend.

Now that you've got AltIn set to 'Yes' - try the LevelsAuto setting again now Anders.

Here is a little background on my findings:
I was able to get full range 0-127 with default settings - low impedance 'on' and AltIn set to 'no' - but LevelsAuto would not work for me that way.
Through trial and error I ended up with LowLevel at '20' and HighLevel at '169'. It worked but it didn't give me much dynamic range between open and closed.

I had to set the pedal impedance switch to the 'high impedance' position (down, in my case) and AltIn to 'yes' in order for LevelsAuto to work correctly.
Keeping in mind Dmitri's tip that the low setting will only auto-adjust down, and high will only auto-adjust up, I started with LevelsAuto 'off', left HighLevel at 169 and set LowLevel to 80. Then I turned LevelsAuto 'on' and began pressing and releasing the hi-hat pedal repeatedly. It also seemed to help fine tune the settings if I actually hit the hi-hat pad repeatedly during the process.

AutoLevels ended up with LowLevel at 35 and HighLevel at 350. I fine tuned my final settings to Low 38 and High 346 to prevent unwanted extra MIDI signals, and now I get a much wider dynamic range between open and closed. Your mileage may vary, but I'd be interested to see if that works better for you and the VH-11 as well.
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby angr77 » Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:24 pm

Hi! I did as you said Sabre and ended up with lowlevel on 44 and highlevel on 181. I think it is still is very limited in dynamic in the range between closed and open.

Lissen for yourself:
My latest MDS file can be downloaded here: ... UMV4_9.mds
Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5
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