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Positional sensing notes

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:22 pm
by everson
Is there a way to assign notes for some positions?

I.e. I`m just testing Abbey Road Modern Drums and I like it a lot! The only drawback I see is it doesn`t support CC messages (as far as I can tell). On hihat it`s not a big deal, as MD support notes for different pedal positions. But what about snare?
Abbey Road offers:
Code: Select all
Center Alternating
Center Left
Center Right
Halfway Alternating
Halfway Left
Halfway Right

all with different notes.
Now, I`m not so crazy about left and right articulations, but if I can at least get Halfway Alternating to work by sending a note from MD ...

Any clues?

Re: Positional sensing notes

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:05 pm
by everson
Forgot to mention: Kontakt (sampler for Abbey Road library) offers some scripting possibilities. So, if I can realize what kind of messages does CC16 sends (how to differ hits near center, from those near edge), I think I can manage to create a script for this purpose.

So, what data should I look for?

Here`s my MIDI log, with first hit near the center, and second near the edge.

Code: Select all
    3.052   10  0xb9  0x10  0x00 E  0    CC: General Controller 1     

    0.002   10  0x99  0x26  0x6d D  2    Note On                     

    0.265   10  0x99  0x26  0x00 D  2    Note Off                     

    2.634   10  0xb9  0x10  0x60 E  0    CC: General Controller 1     

    0.001   10  0x99  0x26  0x2d D  2    Note On                     

    0.258   10  0x99  0x26  0x00 D  2    Note Off

Re: Positional sensing notes

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:45 pm
by dmitri
3.052 10 0xb9 0x10 0x00 E 0 CC: General Controller 1

0.002 10 0x99 0x26 0x6d D 2 Note On

0.265 10 0x99 0x26 0x00 D 2 Note Off

2.634 10 0xb9 0x10 0x60 E 0 CC: General Controller 1

0.001 10 0x99 0x26 0x2d D 2 Note On

0.258 10 0x99 0x26 0x00 D 2 Note Off

I highlighted what you need to look at.

Re: Positional sensing notes

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:58 pm
by everson
OK, thanks. I`ll try it tomorrow (it`s late for drumming here currently).
So, if I set it to send "center note" when value is lower than, say 50 ("0x60" from the log), and otherwise to send "halfway note", I guess that would work ...
What values could be expected there, actually? From 0 to ... ?

BTW, could you tell from this short log that my MD positional sensing is actually working?

Re: Positional sensing notes

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:05 pm
by dmitri
everson wrote:OK, thanks. I`ll try it tomorrow (it`s late for drumming here currently).
So, if I set it to send "center note" when value is lower than, say 50 ("0x60" from the log), and otherwise to send "halfway note", I guess that would work ...
What values could be expected there, actually? From 0 to ... ?

From 0 to 0x7f ( 0 to 127)

BTW, could you tell from this short log that my MD positional sensing is actually working?

If it is consistent and matches with centre/edge hits then it works.

Re: Positional sensing notes

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:16 pm
by everson
I managed to write a script for Kontakt (actually to rewrite an existing one), but seems like my positional sensing is not good.
I cooled down the pad a bit (it`s now at HghLvl 600-700), but there are still erroneous positions ...
Don`t know what to try else ...

Re: Positional sensing notes

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:50 pm
by dmitri
1. Are you using a precision rectifier?
2. Is it better or worse than in this video?

Re: Positional sensing notes

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:46 am
by everson
1. No, just alesis wiring.

It acts better than previously, when the pad was at HghLvl 850, but there are still lots of position errors ...

2. Which video?

Re: Positional sensing notes

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:51 pm
by dmitri

Re: Positional sensing notes

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:38 am
by everson
Well, can`t tell from that video if it is accurate ... You should have filmed both snare and display ...

Maybe I can try something in settings.

Code: Select all
xTalk: 4
Threshold: 18
Gain: 4
HghLvl: 613
Retrigger: 1
DynLvl: 4
DynTime: 44
MinScan: 60