High 'cut off' level

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High 'cut off' level

Postby Sranangsma » Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:32 pm

Hi Guys,
can anyone help on how to set the high 'cut off' level.
The low 'cut off' level is described like this:
When set to Cut Off the 'A Note' setting changes it meaning to 'cut off' level - hits with velocities below level set in 'A Note' will not trigger Note On/Off messages.
So when you hit harder then a certain level, you get no sound (is what I'm looking for)
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Re: High 'cut off' level

Postby dmitri » Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:53 pm

Sranangsma wrote:The low 'cut off' level is described like this:
When set to Cut Off the 'A Note' setting changes it meaning to 'cut off' level - hits with velocities below level set in 'A Note' will not trigger Note On/Off messages.
So when you hit harder then a certain level, you get no sound (is what I'm looking for)

No, it's the opposite. It won't generate a Note On/Off message unless the velocity of the hit is higher than the number set in 'ANote'.
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Re: High 'cut off' level

Postby Sranangsma » Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:18 pm

Yes I know and that is what I meant, but I should have skipped a few lines before writing the last sentence.
In the last sentence I explain what I'm looking for.
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Re: High 'cut off' level

Postby dmitri » Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:38 pm

There is no "High cut off" functionality in the current firmware version. Does anybody else see the benefit of this functionality?
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