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AD demo software

PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:58 pm
by drumfritzDEG
hi folks,
my MD project grows up and now i intend to try my DIY snare with the module. can anybody tell me if the demo version of "XLN AUDIO ADDICTIVE DRUMS" works with the MD?

Re: AD demo software

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:38 am
by angr77

Best regards


Re: AD demo software

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:01 pm
by drumfritzDEG
thx a lot!
now i´ve connected pin 33 (pin con. 1) with a piezo aund i really have a signal at the MD display ! ;-) the MD is waked up first time ;-)))
but how i get it into the AD demo software?? (use vsthost an there the AD works)

Re: AD demo software

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:23 pm
by angr77
Almost easy! Some notes directly from my mind.

1. To send midi note information from your MegaDRUM Device(MD) to VSTHosts please select MegaDRUM Midi Port 2 in VSTHosts. (Main menu - Midi) You can now use the MegaDRUM Midi Port 1 for MegaDRUM Manager (MDM) at the same time and be able to patch your settings as you hear them in MDM. The ports are equal!

2. Load Addictive Drums in VSTHosts. You need to connect AD to receive midi information from VSTHosts. Click on the midi connector icon...and select Megadrum Midi Port 2

3. Please select soundcard in VSTHosts - You should be able to see your sound card. ( main menu audio) Please use a ASIO driver from your sound card vendor to get the optimal performance and lowest latency. If not present use the asioall driver...

4. Download my

5. You can use my settings MegaDRUM55.ADMap and drag that to the \documents\addictive drums\user maps\. So just place the ADMap file here...
You will then be able to see this midimap in AD/BEATS dialog and you can select your preset under AD Map Preset.

6. In MDM load my megadrum55.mdm file. You will see note mappings for all the steal one of the drums note settings. For an example the snare...where the head trigger use note 38. Use 38 for all note entrys and use it on your working input channel. Save it to MegaDrum.

6. you should now be able to hear the sound...

Re: AD demo software

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:40 am
by drumfritzDEG
there is no folder "AdMaps" in my AD demo version, i couldn't find it at least.

Re: AD demo software

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:01 pm
by angr77
Sorry - the right directory is \documents\addictive drums\user maps\
So just place the ADMap file here...

Then you will be able to see it in AD and in the BEATS dialog...Map Preset.

Best Regards


Re: AD demo software

PostPosted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:42 pm
by krickgpe
angr77 wrote:Almost easy! Some notes directly from my mind.

1. To send midi note information from your MegaDRUM Device(MD) to VSTHosts please select MegaDRUM Midi Port 2 in VSTHosts. (Main menu - Midi) You can now use the MegaDRUM Midi Port 1 for MegaDRUM Manager (MDM) at the same time and be able to patch your settings as you hear them in MDM. The ports are equal!

2. Load Addictive Drums in VSTHosts. You need to connect AD to receive midi information from VSTHosts. Click on the midi connector icon...and select Megadrum Midi Port 2

3. Please select soundcard in VSTHosts - You should be able to see your sound card. ( main menu audio) Please use a ASIO driver from your sound card vendor to get the optimal performance and lowest latency. If not present use the asioall driver...

4. Download my

5. You can use my settings MegaDRUM55.ADMap and drag that to the \documents\addictive drums\user maps\. So just place the ADMap file here...
You will then be able to see this midimap in AD/BEATS dialog and you can select your preset under AD Map Preset.

6. In MDM load my megadrum55.mdm file. You will see note mappings for all the steal one of the drums note settings. For an example the snare...where the head trigger use note 38. Use 38 for all note entrys and use it on your working input channel. Save it to MegaDrum.

6. you should now be able to hear the sound...

in paragraph 2, in AD where is the midi connector icone you're speaking ? Thanks

Re: AD demo software

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:48 pm
by angr77
On step 2 in VSTHosts - You usually do two steps :

1. Setting the global midi input channel:

Select MegaDRUM Port 2.

2. In some cases the input port needs to be set also on the iVST - In our case Addictive DRUMs. Yes you do it on the midi symbol and the select the MegaDRUM Port 2.

You should now be ready.

3. Recommendation...if you want a very straight forward VST host client and only use one DRUM plugin, you can use the light version of VSTHOSTs called SAVIHOSTs
In this case you search for the location of your drumplugin dll file. Copy the savihost.exe to this directory and then just rename the savihost.exe to the actual VST.DLL name, example: If the dll is named ad.dll rename the savihost.exe to ad.exe. When executing the AD.EXE...the plugin will be loaded directly. Pretty neat!

Re: AD demo software

PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:22 pm
by krickgpe
Thanks for all that infos, personaly I use Reaper (on Mac) and I have not the posibility to select megadrum port 2 in the midi section, i have to try with another sequencer...