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Rom Maps & Rom Kits

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:12 pm
by krickgpe
What is the difference between Rom Maps and Rom kits?

Re: Rom Maps & Rom Kits

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:52 am
by angr77
The ROM MAPs is a midimap for AD2 for a fixed base of MD inputs.

The ROM KIT includes the midimap above + PAD configurations for some well known triggers.

See my guide complete guide for AD2/ROM MAPS/KITS)

Re: Rom Maps & Rom Kits

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:54 am
by krickgpe
angr77 wrote:The ROM MAPs is a midimap for AD2 for a fixed base of MD inputs.

The ROM KIT includes the midimap above + PAD configurations for some well known triggers.

See my guide complete guide for AD2/ROM MAPS/KITS)

Thanks for your answer. I ve loaded the Rom Map of AD2 in MDM and try to sent it to my MD 56i but I get a "sysex time out error".Do you ve an idea where the pb can be come and do I ve to reset the MD before sending the Rom Map ? if yes how can I do that?...
Thank you very much.

Re: Rom Maps & Rom Kits

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:45 pm
by angr77
If you have problems and have a firmware later than can get the exact same function directly on your MD by browsing to the ROM MAPS menu and select standard or advanced. (You could then read it back to MDM)

The complete story behind this can be found here:

Best Regards


Re: Rom Maps & Rom Kits

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:33 pm
by krickgpe
When I load the RomKit Advanced (or RomMap Advanced) from MD I get multiples false triggers (snare, cymbals) then I'm not playing anything...Notice that I choose MD Advanced midi map in AD2....
Another strange thing, when I hit tom1 that trigg sound of tom3 in AD2 and I verified, the midi note in MD is the good one to trigg sound of tom3 in AD2...Do you've an idea where I've to
search the solutions of thoses problèmes?...
Thank you.

Re: Rom Maps & Rom Kits

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:52 pm
by dmitri
krickgpe wrote:When I load the RomKit Advanced (or RomMap Advanced) from MD I get multiples false triggers (snare, cymbals) then I'm not playing anything...Notice that I choose MD Advanced midi map in AD2....

Loading RomKit you load not only Notes map but also all other settings. If inputs start to trigger with these setting without you hitting them means that these settings are not suitable for your particular set of pads/cymbals (your kit). You have to fine tune these settings, e.g. Threshold, Gain, HighLevel and so on.

Another strange thing, when I hit tom1 that trigg sound of tom3 in AD2 and I verified, the midi note in MD is the good one to trigg sound of tom3 in AD2...Do you've an idea where I've to
search the solutions of thoses problèmes?...
Thank you.

Did you also load matching MegaDrum map in AD2?

Re: Rom Maps & Rom Kits

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:01 pm
by krickgpe
Thank you dmitri, yes I also load Megadrum map in AD...

Re: Rom Maps & Rom Kits

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:30 pm
by dmitri
Then it's either an error in a MegaDrum Rom Drum map or in a AD2 MegaDrum drum map. If it is an error in the MegaDrum Rim Drum Map then I'll correct it in a new firmware version. I hope angr77 can comment on this. Or you simply connected your tom1 to an input which is in fact tom3 in this Rom Map.
But regardless of the above mismatch, you can easily change Notes in MegaDrum settings to match sounds in AD2 so it's hardly a problem at all.

Re: Rom Maps & Rom Kits

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:50 pm
by krickgpe
As I said in the start of this post, I've also a "sysex timeout" error when I try to send the RomMap or RomKits from MDM to MD I didn't have this problem before...

Re: Rom Maps & Rom Kits

PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:19 am
by airflamesred
krickgpe wrote:As I said in the start of this post, I've also a "sysex timeout" error when I try to send the RomMap or RomKits from MDM to MD I didn't have this problem before...

I think this is because the number of inputs doesn't match between your MD settings and the MD settings you are trying to send.

It's a shame that there is a need to load an mds file when, ideally, the mapping info could be loaded as a syx file somewhere.