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Pads Extra Settings

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2016 3:13 pm
by drumdhiver
Hi all,

I use MDManager,
I never give importance about "Pads Extra Settings", I never use it, and would like to know how to...

We have linear, log, and selfshape curves corresponding to the response... but I don't understand if it's possible to affect different curves on different chanels. Is it possible to affect strong log curve on kick and linear on the rest??

Re: Pads Extra Settings

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2016 4:45 pm
by airflamesred
drumdhiver wrote:We have linear, log, and selfshape curves corresponding to the response... but I don't understand if it's possible to affect different curves on different chanels. Is it possible to affect strong log curve on kick and linear on the rest??

All of the curves are now programmable, Choose a curve from the drop down (pads extra) and change the curve to your needs by moving the dots.
Select the pad (pads) and from the drop down select the curve.
Don't forget to save.

Re: Pads Extra Settings

PostPosted: Sun May 22, 2016 4:20 pm
by drumdhiver
Ow yeah, easy in fact!

So good for kick, all points are 255 :-p