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has anybody complied a CURRENT list of settings?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:34 pm
by lrizzo2001
I've googled different users presets for specific make/model pads/cymbals and they all seem to be very old and written for prior versions of firmware etc.
Is there a Current list anywhere?

Re: has anybody complied a CURRENT list of settings?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:03 pm
by dmitri
No. When I'll have all the possible pads/cymbals/triggers/hihat controllers available out there I will create one. Watch this space.

Re: has anybody complied a CURRENT list of settings?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:24 pm
by lrizzo2001
Once you have them would it be possible to have them as presets in MD the way the roland/yamaha modules allow you to select the pad model number?

dmitri wrote:No. When I'll have all the possible pads/cymbals/triggers/hihat controllers available out there I will create one. Watch this space.