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two question marks on a red background what's wrong?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:15 pm
by lasot
What do I do wrong. I think there is a problem with sending and reciving signal between module and mdm fx. I don't really know?? Who knows what to do?

Re: two question marks on a red background what's wrong?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:29 am
by dmitri
Since you didn't say where it is I guess you have not yet saved (SaveAll) any config in MDMFX on your PC.

Re: two question marks on a red background what's wrong?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:28 am
by lasot
sorry dimitri. I'm not a brillant nerd.
I was wondering how those question marks works/when they apear. now, I downloaded 56 input map from a mds file as example and it was correct, but right after few minutes was 'syssex timeout' .
maybe I have a problem because i dont really know how md and mdm fx really works together. I try alle the time to get through, to learn.

Re: two question marks on a red background what's wrong?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:23 pm
by lasot
I got mds files as example: roomkit 56 advance and basic, and map 56 advanced and basic. I've downloaded them to the 'configs' in mdm fx as config 1 to 4. when I try to switch between them, notjing happens. when i try to load again a mds file using loadall button in mdm fx- its even not opening the load window. %^ advanced map has 'ok' on green back ground sometimes only! the restwhen I try to switch on them - '??' on a red back ground

Re: two question marks on a red background what's wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:37 pm
by dmitri
I will look into the problem you're having when I'm back home. One thing I can think of right now is - directory permissions. Try to run MDMFX as Administrator/root to test it.

Re: two question marks on a red background what's wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:26 pm
by lasot
there is only one account on my computer - me/administrator.
But now most funny thing. I decided to do everything from beginning. I upgraded a right firmware (the same) and I shut down mdm. then I UNinstalled mdmfx using app cleaner on my macbook and I put everything to the trash and made it empty. I did it because I wanted to clear all configs (mds files-two maps and two kits) which I saved as config 1 to 4. Then I downloaded again mdm fx from your web and install it. When I openen mdmfx (even without turning on a mdm), THERE WERE STILL THOSE CONFIGS I WANTED TO CLEAR. loadall/saveall button doesn't work even in brand new downloaded mdmfx. I did the whole procedure twice. (uninstalling and installing new mdmfx). Are there some files os sierra doesn't see on my computer. ? how it is possible? I really would like to start from the beginning.

Re: two question marks on a red background what's wrong?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:03 pm
by lasot
Ok, I've got it. There is one general config file unvissible for app cleaner. mdmfx is makeing this file it self and every time i opened brand new installed mdmfx, program had downloaded this file itself. as I'm right dimitri?

Re: two question marks on a red background what's wrong?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 3:00 pm
by dmitri
On Mac Os there is a config file in your home folder called megadrummanagerfx.cfg
Delete it if you want to start with MDMFX from scratch.