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Firmware fot Atmega32L

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 1:11 pm
by Lean4815
Hi! I'm building my Megadrum with the firmware from 2010, but I'm not sure of which one should I program on the Atmega.
The names of the files I've got for this are:
- megadrum32_16_20100516
- megadrum32_16_32_20100516
- megadrum32_16_40_20100516

This is the Atmega32L datasheet: ... EGA32L.pdf


Re: Firmware fot Atmega32L

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 10:08 am
by ignotus
It depends on the number of inputs your module has. From the 'Latest Firmware' thread:

2. This is the last firmware version which has the following naming scheme for the files in the archive:
megadrumppp_hh_yyyymmdd.bin for 22 inputs versions
megadrumppp_hh_32_yyyymmdd.bin for 32 inputs versions
megadrumppp_hh_48_yyyymmdd.bin for 48 inputs versions
megadrumppp_hh_56_yyyymmdd.bin for 56 inputs versions
ppp - AVR type. 32 - for Atmega32, 324 - for Atmega324(p), 644 - for Atmega644
hh - crystal clock in MHz. Atmega32 versions with a clock above 16MHz are overclocked, Atmega324(p)/644 versions with a clock above 20MHz are overclocked.
yyyymmdd - date(version) of the firmware.

If the one corresponding to your MCU/inputs won't work the fault is probably elsewhere.