Just one thing : Is there a better place anywhere in the Internet I am missing where there are MORE user settings for the MegaDrums? (aside from the official site material & faq that explains every parameter, which I read every bit of BTW.)
If there is I would like to know if anyone can point me to it.
If there isn't, why couldn't this forum thread be made into a Sticky, making more people notice it, maybe encourage more people to post their settings and eventually find the better ones by "natural selection" of being able to try them out one by one for each identical pad?
I just find MegaDrums to be awesome, and the idea behind it of sharing such a beautiful tool is awesome too. Going in that direction I find it odd that (by percentage) people tend to keep their settings for themselves... I read a lot of people have some MD on VDrums but they don't seem to come back here and share settings to keep in the sharing mentality of this great job by Dmitri and others. However a few do and let me thank them right here and now.
I still didn't have time to mess enough with my PDx8 to post satisfying results and since have been feeding a TD-3 via MIDI for the extra cymbals & toms which are rubber PD8 and already well mapped by others... Only new piece I could post settings for I got is a PDx8 right now and I will as soon as I'm finally satisfyied with it...
As a complement to a TD3, I didn't tweak much into the MegaDrums and did most of it in Superior Drummer 2, which is easier because of the GUI, but not ideal since it cannot completely squash out bad settings since they are bad at the source of the MIDI. It can however fool my drummer buddy into thinking he plays the greatest kit of his life... and he wants a MegaDrums too now obviously since I mentioned the cost...
I just find this to have incredible potential as an alternative to the best drum modules on the market for a tenth of the cost. Dmitri could have went and patented it, making us buy the plans or even a outrageously-priced module. He decided to give it.
All we need is take care of some support ourselves as best we can. Dmitri cannot always take care of every single setting issue personally, it's amazing he takes time to do so regularly already...
In order to let Dmitri have some rest with the settings annoyances, I wish we would all vow to help him out find the best settings for every pad ever made as soon as our MegaDrums is complete or has arrived in the mail ^^. Maybe even have to check a box when you join the MegaDrums forums LOL
We should all at least each post a couple of settings if/when we got especially good. Just to add some more reference material to the FAQ material and concentrate information, instead of having it spread over thousands of separate threads in the forums... Or are we alone with setting troubles? I suspect people do not come back to share not because they are evil
I just think when they get good results they are so ecstatic that they never even remember how long they ever fiddled to get there... I'll say that Kurtus and the other guys in this thread are pretty cool because they are the guys who do come back from time to time even after they got it rolling fine with their gear...which is a conscious sacrifice knowing you could be drumming a damn near perfect megadrums...
Maybe a Sticky could help, just saying... Of course as I said if there are better settings than these Google spreadsheets and these last 5 pages, please direct me to them... Thank you every one for your input and thank you Dmitri again, you fukken rock.