MegaDrum Manager

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Re: MegaDrum Manager

Postby dmitri » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:01 pm

When I have an opportunity (Mac) I will try to see what are the issues with MDM on Mac when doing a firmware upgrade.
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Re: MegaDrum Manager

Postby daniele99 » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:25 am

derbstens wrote:Power on MegaDrum
Open MDM
Open midi connection via upper left button
current firmware is shown: 20101223
Select the MegaDrum firmware file. (megadrum644_20_56_20110207)
Disconnect (power off) MegaDrum.
While holding MegaDrum's button LEFT connect (power on) MegaDrum to access update page.
By pressing MegaDrum's button UP select a correct MegaDrum crystal frequency. (20 MHz I assume, due to it being a Dmitri 56 Kit)
Press MegaDrum's button DOWN. MegaDrum LCD shows:
Click button Start in MGM
The status bar for firmware send stays at zero %.
3-5 seconds after pressing the down button on the MegaDrum Module it returning into running mode and shows vu display.
After a few more seconds, MGM reports:
'MegaDrum is not responding'

Same for me, but on Win xp pro SP3. And MD remains in waiting status, doesn't restart.
So i'm forced to restart all gears and use the mdfwupdater.exe instead.
DIY edrum kit, Yamaha PCY135, PCY155, Millenium/Alesis 1zone cymbals,Roland FD-8,Roland SPD-S
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Re: MegaDrum Manager

Postby derbstens » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:58 pm

Next problem: Solved!

MegaDrum is configurable via MDM and Macbook Pro but not via Macbook.

On the Macbook Pro everything works as it's supposed to, can edit all settings, firmware is shown in MDM.

On the Macbook I can't touch anything. Selecting the Midi Ports in options seems possible but always shows Firewire Audiophile when port scan is clicked, even if Audiophile is not connected.

Removed Audiophile driver, no change.

So during writing this, I was thinking about varieties between the two computers in regards of software. I remembered some java tool I

purchased before to do some AxeFx stuff and which adds some java library as far as I understand:

et voilà!

MDM reads firmware version correctly, all settings can be edited.

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Re: MegaDrum Manager

Postby dmitri » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:07 pm

Java version on Mac must be, if I remember right, at lease version 1.6.0 update 10. In prior Jaba versions MIDI on Mac is broken and requires additional libraries like Mandolane.
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Re: MegaDrum Manager

Postby Ramsh » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:47 pm

If I download the signed.jar file on my pc and copy it on my notebook can I start it?
Besides what's now the most elegant route to update the megadrum?
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Re: MegaDrum Manager

Postby dmitri » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:29 pm

Ramsh wrote:If I download the signed.jar file on my pc and copy it on my notebook can I start it?


Besides what's now the most elegant route to update the megadrum?

Whichever you like more and which works for you - the end result is the same.
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Re: MegaDrum Manager

Postby derbstens » Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:42 am

dmitri wrote:Java version on Mac must be, if I remember right, at lease version 1.6.0 update 10. In prior Jaba versions MIDI on Mac is broken and requires additional libraries like Mandolane.

that's weird, checking java version via Terminal showed this:

java version "1.6.0_22"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_22-b04-307-10M3261)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.1-b03-307, mixed mode)

any mac users to comment on this?
is MDM working on your machines without additional libraries?
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Re: MegaDrum Manager

Postby dschrammie » Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:53 pm

So after getting the latest firmware upgrade for the MD, I decided to give MDManager a try again. I loaded MDM from the link ( and it started right away. First question I'd have is that I thought I remembered there being an icon that would save on my desktop so I could just click on it instead of having to go to the page with that link every time. There's no icon anymore. But that's not the point of this post I guess.

So I go to options in MDM and set my ports, both in and out, to USB Audio Device. Click "okay" and the firmware version displays correctly in MDM. So I then click on "Get All" and it goes through it's progress bar, and when it loads, none of the parameters/settings that I have in the MD show up. Everything is a 0. So just to make sure, I bring the drop down menu from "Main" and select "All Settings -> Load from MD" and it does the same thing.

Then I checked MIDI Log in MDM and it is, in fact, sending MIDI all shows up as yellow, for "Unknown", but at least I know that the MIDI information is getting sent through...just for some reason it's not getting any of the individual pad parameters/settings. So this is kind of the same problem that I was having a week and a half ago...but at least this time MIDI Log is recognizing the pad strikes.

Just in case you need to see what I'm talking about, here's a tiny little video:

So that's it...don't know if you have any idea what would be causing this.
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Re: MegaDrum Manager

Postby dmitri » Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:16 pm

dschrammie wrote:So I go to options in MDM and set my ports, both in and out, to USB Audio Device. Click "okay" and the firmware version displays correctly in MDM. So I then click on "Get All" and it goes through it's progress bar, and when it loads, none of the parameters/settings that I have in the MD show up. Everything is a 0. So just to make sure, I bring the drop down menu from
So that's it...don't know if you have any idea what would be causing this.

It looks like there is a problem of MIDI communication for larger Sysex messages between MDM (PC, OS and Java varsion) and MegaDrum. Since I cannot reproduce it myself, the best way to try to troubleshoot it is to use virtual MIDI ports (MIDI Yoke) between MDM and MegaDrum using MIDI-OX as intermediate MIDI monitoring device and than you can post here the output from MIDI-OX when you try to get Misc/Pedal/Kick input settings.
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Re: MegaDrum Manager

Postby dschrammie » Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:23 pm

dmitri wrote:Do ChainID in MegaDrum and MDM match?

Yep, they do.

And as an added bonus, MDM is now frozen...can't click any drop down menus, can't even close it normally. Had to force a shut down with Task Manager...again.
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