Hi John!
1. Regarding the hihat mappings in AD2. Check the text below from my upcoming manual:
(I am also including the BETA version of the two related MDS files. - You can have a look in them and get an idea how I have mapped the hi-hat.)
It is not possible to do the learn function to get all articulations A-D. But you won't need that. Check my MDS files...and make a choice - The MegaDRUM Basic approach or the Advanced approach - it is more or less only the hi-hat handling which is different. The AD2 hi-hat realtime position indicator was supposed to be back in the 2.0.1 version which was released last week - but I am guessing we need to wait for a couple of weeks more.)
2. There are actually really no recommendations where to set the midi velocity curve. I have done mine in the MD. But both will work perfect. But don't use both...However it could be useful to handle the Hi-hat pedal velocity curve in MD...because you don't have that function in AD2.
Please note that all specific e-pad/cymbal settings in the attached MDS files have been set to default/zero...so it is only the midi values/names which is right - so if you save this MDS config over your current pad settings...don't call me!
From my manual:
The MegaDRUM Preset Map in AD2Both the MD presets are following AD2’s default map in terms of note values and the reason is to make it easier to support and maintain the MD presets in the future. However, both presets are a bit different compared to each other on a couple of points.
MegaDRUM BasicAll mapping for the hi-hat pedal and related type of hits have been mapped to each note in MD, e.g. Closed, Half closed-Open, Chicks and Splash. We have completely switched off AD2’s own hi-hat logic for handling chicks or splashes in the Basic settings. This way to handle the hi-hat is mentioned in the Addictive Drums manual named as the scenario 2 for the hi-hat implementation. AD2’s hi-hat articulations have been set to be rather flat based on the cc:04 pedal value. You could change it to fit your play style and hi-hat gears.
In the MegaDRUM Basic settings - We have not used any advanced functions like positional sensing for the snare - all keymaps in the MegaDRUM_Basic.MDM are pointing to the exact value. (none cc:04 or cc:16 based input notes has been used)
MegaDRUM AdvancedThe hi-hat settings is using AD2’s own hi-hat engine and logics for handling closed to open hits and functions like the chick and splash. This hi-hat functionality is described in the AD2 Manual as scenario 3. The MD is only sending bow/edge hits + the hi-hat pedal position value over the cc:04 channel. The rest is handled by AD2's own hi-hat logic to determine hi-hat splashes or chicks. (Done through setting the sensibility in AD2.)
The MegaDRUM Advanced preset also includes the positional sensing settings configured to receive on the cc:16 channel for the snare. These setting has also have been slightly adjusted on the sensitivity for positional sensing. We have also enabled cc:16 for the two ride cymbals for future MD purposes.
Best Regards
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Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5