Anders, I tried both of your MegaDRUM presets for AD2. I mapped my kit to the appropriate slots and everything was working fine. Then I discovered my understanding of how to save files/config slots etc in MD was seriously lacking.... I lost the mds file in the process and had to start again. Fortunately I'd already saved individual syx files so it was quick and easy to start over again.
What I eventually noticed is your MD presets appear in MDM with a default setting of 56 inputs. From what I've read elsewhere on this forum, if you have a 32 input MD (like me), and don't change the Inputs setting to 32, you'll think you've saved an mds file, only to find it didn't work.
Long story short.... I resorted to reloading MD's default settings (press right button while switching on MD). Made absolutely sure Inputs was set to 32. In AD2 I chose the GM preset and customised it where necessary to suit my kit. Then saved that modified preset and set it as the default in AD2.
So the end result is I'm not currently using either of your MegaDRUM AD2 presets, but in the process of trying, I learned a LOT about saving my settings correctly in MDM and how to assign them to a config slot.
If possible, I think it may be a good idea to offer separate presets for MD32 and MD56 users. It might save someone else with a 32 input MD having the same problems (losing mds files). Also the input layout is different between 32 and 56 MD, so some cable swapping is required when using your existing MD/AD2 preset on a 32 input module. Obviously it's no big deal having to plug and unplug a couple of cables but the preset would become more user friendly if channels matched the 'out of the box' MD layout.
Having gone through all of that, it should be easy for me to quickly zip through the routine again to configure your AD2/MD presets but I'm taking a breather first
Please note these are not criticisms - just observations from a not especially experienced MD user!
Keep up the good work!