hi, I've bought a second hand 56 input megadrum with little info about it a few weeks ago, all I know is that it is 56 inputs and has positional sensing, but could not get it to work with ezdrummer 2 no matter what I tried, I really need a step-by-step guide starting from the single first click I need to make in the MDMFX, what midi ports do I need to select, what do I need to do to configure pads? I am testing this module on my old yamaha snarepad, I've inserted its jack to a random slot and downloaded a premade config file and dragged-dropped it to the fx, I saw the indication on the module's screen whenever I hit it, so that great I guess, but have no luck with getting sound from ezdrummer 2, this thing is so frustrating and I need serious help. Please give me the steps I need to make to get my snaresound.
also I tried to update the firmware, as it told me that its too old, but I had no luck on that either, it gives me error in every way that I try it, gives me an error in the mdmfx and the command prompt, I have listed the problem down below.