dmitri wrote:If you problem is EXACTLY the same then one of you MUXers (74hc4851 ) is broken. If it is not EXACTLY the same then it can be anything - you will have to track with a multimeter/oscilloscope where the problem is.
Thank you very much, Dimitri. you Wake me up. Removing
all MUXers (74hc4851) Ics fixed the problem.
Earlier; I just removed the muxer of the pin that was constantly triggered.(my board on; the aux1-H triggered constantly and I only removed the mxu IC connected to it. It was constantly triggering..).
but when dimitri said, then i also disassembled the 7 muxer. continuous triggering is over. i tried each one. I detected the corrupt muxer.
Although the muxer connected to the incorrectly triggered channel is intact, another muxer is broken, which can cause this situation.