Unable to set MIDI notes

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Unable to set MIDI notes

Postby Gnasher » Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:29 pm


I'm just setting up a new MegaDrum.

I'm testing with:
Hi-hat: Yamaha RHH-135 (2 zone)
Crash: Yamaha PCY-135 (3 zone)
Software: EZdrummer 3

MIDI notes
I had it briefly working with EZdrummer.
The MIDI log was showing different MIDI notes and I could assign the notes to EZdrummer and output sound.
Since changing the MIDI notes - I am unable to get the hi-hat cymbal and the crash to output anything other than note 0.
I set the correct MIDI note for the pad, then click Send to send it to the MegaDRUM.

Hi-hat pedal controller
I configured the high and low.
This appears to be working from the LCD - I can see the bar on the left moving up and down.
It does not show up in the MIDI log on the right.
I'm not at the stage of configuring anything else just yet with the hi-hat controller.

Please see attached screenshot.

In the MIDI log on the right, I cannot get the correct note to output.

I watched this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6crpT1j ... rflamesred

It's an old video, but the user sets the kick to MIDI note 36.
He presses the Send button to send the config to the MegaDrum.

How do I get the correct note to output?

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Re: Unable to set MIDI notes

Postby dmitri » Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:56 pm

For HiHat to have correct Notes, besides HiHat cymbal itself Notes, you need to assign proper Notes in HiHat Pedal->Notes.
If you're using MIDI CC for pedal positions than set them all equal to HiHat cymbal Notes.
Otherwise set all those Notes to Notes matching sounds for various HiHat positions.

Just a note: Fonts in blue for Misc and HiHat Pedal mean those settings sync status between MDMFX and MegaDrum is not known.
When you configuring for the first time it is a good idea to get all default settings from MegaDrum to MDMFX first.
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Re: Unable to set MIDI notes

Postby Gnasher » Tue Jan 17, 2023 3:10 pm

Hello Dmitri

I'm absolute not at the stage of getting the hi-hat controller setup yet.

One step at a time. I need to get the pad to register the MIDI note I have programmed first.
Until I get that working, there is no point in my setting up the HH controller.

I'm struggling to make any progress with this.

When I set the MIDI input to be an Alesis module, I can see the correct MIDI notes on the right side, when I hit the pads on the drum kit.

I'm unable to do the same with the MegaDrum. Only MIDI note zero is outputted.

I need to get that working first.

How do I set the MIDI note?
How do I get the bow of the hi-hat to output note 42 in my example?

I've tried absolutely everything I can think of.
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Re: Unable to set MIDI notes

Postby Gnasher » Tue Jan 17, 2023 3:43 pm

OK, so I tried a snare from an Alesis kit.

I can now get the correct MIDI note to be sent for both head and rim.

This is now triggering EZdrummer.

I'm unable to get it working for the Yamaha hi-hat cymbal or the Yamaha crash though.

I'm using a standard stereo TRS cable for both, into the correct inputs on the MegaDrum.
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Re: Unable to set MIDI notes

Postby dmitri » Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:17 pm

Please post the screenshot of settings and describe what the problem is.
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Re: Unable to set MIDI notes

Postby Gnasher » Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:27 pm

OK, some further progress.

It's a Yamaha 3 zone, which I want to use a 2 zone crash. Bow and edge.

I followed this guide:
https://www.megadrum.info/content/setti ... one-cymbal

I now realise that when I get "note zero" on the MIDI log, it is a trigger event that MegaDrum does not recognise.
So it cannot be converted into an actual MIDI note.

So I set the edge to "piezo" instead of "switch".
I can now output the correct MIDI note for the bow zone and get EZdrummer to trigger.

I've also done the "Set All EdgeSw" and "Set All BellSw" from the menu on the LCD screen.

Sometimes I can set the edge back to "switch" again. Not every time though. It is currently set to "switch".

However, I still need further help.

Bow zone triggers, it seems to be very consistent, no issues.

Hitting the bell triggers the edge note (which is assigned to the "crash" sound in EZdrummer).
It's really consistent. Hit the bell and get the edge note.

Hitting the edge, no matter how hard, just triggers the bow note.

I've had a look at these configs as well:
https://powerhell.wordpress.com/about/z ... d-library/

There is no PCY135 on that list. Looked at the PCY130 and PCY150 but that did not help.

Any idea on how to get the edge working on this cymbal?
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Re: Unable to set MIDI notes

Postby Gnasher » Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:57 pm


It would appear this pad is faulty.
The edge switch does not appear to work.

Consider this closed for now. I'll get another cymbal.
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