MD as midicontroler?

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MD as midicontroler?

Postby Dutchie » Sun Sep 12, 2021 9:36 pm

I'm making instructional drumvideo's. Now I want to "secretly" mute/unmute the speaking microphone on my digital mixer via midi. Since I have a Megadrum I'm wondering if I can get this going with the MD.

I've tried this so far:

Connecting a damper pedal and messing around in the Hihat Pedal settings in MDM did something (I got the channel I want on the mixer to accasionally mute/unmute). But I guess that I'm looking for an "on/off" signal and a damper pedal is not. Neither is a hihatpedal... That would explain the "occasional" part (?) Or I'm I on the right track here and can this work with the right settings? At least I know the midi cabel is working 8-)

I only got things happening in the Hihat pedal settings. Using a tom trigger (sound more like an on/off thing) and setting that to channel 2(*) in the Pads settings did nothing with the mixer. The trigger worked fine as I had SD3 running.

So I know al the hardware and cables are working. If anyone has suggestions on how to do this (and if it can be done) I would love to hear.

ps I could buy a midi footswitch, but this would be more fun and a lot cheaper. Or vice versa :D

*NB midi CC channel 2 on the mixer adresses the mute/unmute ... e=8#manual)
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Re: MD as midicontroler?

Postby ignotus » Mon Sep 13, 2021 5:49 am

It probably only works occasionally with the hi hat input because your mixer is likely listening for a single CC value at a time. When you press/depress your hi hat, it sends a stream of values from 0-127, though I understand that a damper pedal is just an on/off switch - so it might be possible to calibrate the settings (hi hat high and low levels) so that it jumps straight to 127 and back to 0.

Another thing you can try is to plug your damper pedal into an edge input, and set its function to PrgChg (see here). Then, use a MIDI translator to convert the PC (program change) messages into CC messages (something like this).
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Re: MD as midicontroler?

Postby Dutchie » Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:17 pm

Thank you Ignotus,

I will tweak some more with the hihat setting like you said. Although at the moment there ain't much going on in the mixer anymore. I don't know what changed, but I will find out (Hopefully)

The midi translator is windows only, so all my hope is on the hihat settings
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Re: MD as midicontroler?

Postby ignotus » Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:15 pm

Dutchie wrote:The midi translator is windows only, so all my hope is on the hihat settings

What OS are you on? Don't know about macOS (they surely exist too) but you can definitely find one for Linux.
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Re: MD as midicontroler?

Postby Dutchie » Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:20 pm

Awesome! I found the right hihat high and low settings. It works great.

I'm using macOS. For now it's o.k. that I have to "sacrifice" the hihat controller input, because I'm making the video's with acoustic drums. So I only have to switch the jacks and load another preset in MDM. If I want to record my vid's with SD3 later on, I will try your other suggestion and find myself a midi translator. :)

Thanks again!
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Re: MD as midicontroler?

Postby jungleb » Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:32 pm

Dutchie wrote:Awesome! I found the right hihat high and low settings. It works great.

I'm using macOS. For now it's o.k. that I have to "sacrifice" the hihat controller input, because I'm making the video's with acoustic drums. So I only have to switch the jacks and load another preset in MDM. If I want to record my vid's with SD3 later on, I will try your other suggestion and find myself a midi translator. :)

Thanks again!

It would be really cool if we can use other inputs from MD to control CC using potentiometer and switches. Isn't it?
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