Post your successful trigger settings

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Post your successful trigger settings

Postby userfriendly » Sat May 30, 2009 6:10 pm

Not quite altruistically (since I'm having trouble with finding proper settings for my cymbals), I'd like to ask you to post the trigger settings that work for you with your gear. They will eventually be turned into presets in the MCT when elrules implements that feature.

Don't forget to mention exactly what pad or cymbal the settings are for, e.g. Roland CY8 or Yamaha PCY155 etc.
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby elrules » Sat May 30, 2009 8:13 pm

Let's see if this topic has enough success so I can come up with a big bunch of presets for MCT.

By the way, I´m now back in Spain, till 1st of July, so now I have here next to me my beloved drumkit with its megadrum mounted. Now I will be able to install the new firmware and test all my gear. Also test the positional sensing firmware

I will edit my post with my settings for DIY mesh pads, KD-120, VH-11, Millenium MPS-300 pads, Yamaha pcy150s, ...
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby userfriendly » Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:10 pm

Is no one using the MegaDrum having any success with their pads and cymbals? :shock: Hard to believe.
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby kurtus420 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:32 pm

I too would really like to see this implemented as it will make setup much easier for me when I finish my build. Hope to see some responses here guys. 8-)
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby jeffbeckib » Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:00 pm

I think we are all probably having the same issues finding the perfect settings. I know I've been tweeking for months and still can't get them to feel as good as my alesis Trigger I/O, but I need more than 10 inputs. I'm keeping my eye on this post as well.

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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby shadyru » Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:05 am

elrules can you post your kd-120 settings I am getting double triggering like crazy and my td-20 did not have it....i have attempted everything with the pedal and with megadrum...btw what kick pedal are u using with the 120?
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby dmitri » Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:06 am

shadyru wrote:elrules can you post your kd-120 settings I am getting double triggering like crazy and my td-20 did not have it....i have attempted everything with the pedal and with megadrum...btw what kick pedal are u using with the 120?

Can you create a separate topic and raise your problem there?
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby fuzzysnuggleduck » Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:19 pm

userfriendly wrote:Is no one using the MegaDrum having any success with their pads and cymbals? :shock: Hard to believe.

I am. Well, mostly. Some small issues remain and I tweak fairly often but we record music twice a week with MegaDrum and it works very well for the most part. We're probably somewhere around 100 tracks recorded with the MegaDrum right now.

Unfortunately, my MD is at my friend's studio (a room in his apartment) where we jam/record and thus I don't have instant or easy access to it and I haven't got around to grabbing it when I leave and going through all my settings to post them.

I also think the sampler and samples one is using can make a difference in "feel" as well. If I play around with the patches in BFD, different cymbals for instance give a much different playing feel and I sometimes have to change my trigger settings to achieve the feel I want between the different cymbals. Same goes for toms and snare. Kick seems to be less affected by this, dunno why. Keep in mind that the software you use can be a source of poor feel, as well.

For me, the most important settings to get right have been HighLevel, Threshold, Curve, Retrigger, DynTime and DynLevel, probably in that order to. Without a good HighLevel or Threshold, it's very difficult to find the correct values for other settings, at least in my experience.

I use a Hart Dynamics Studio Master 6.4 kit and I have a thread where I posted some settings but they've changed now. If there is indeed interest in my new settings (which again, aren't perfect, especially the hi-hat) then I'll remember to grab the MD from the studio next time and post them.
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby kurtus420 » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:01 pm

Good info fuzzysnuggleduck, I'd definitly like to see your settings to give me a good guide to start with. Thanks

fuzzysnuggleduck wrote:
userfriendly wrote:Is no one using the MegaDrum having any success with their pads and cymbals? :shock: Hard to believe.

I am. Well, mostly. Some small issues remain and I tweak fairly often but we record music twice a week with MegaDrum and it works very well for the most part. We're probably somewhere around 100 tracks recorded with the MegaDrum right now.

Unfortunately, my MD is at my friend's studio (a room in his apartment) where we jam/record and thus I don't have instant or easy access to it and I haven't got around to grabbing it when I leave and going through all my settings to post them.

I also think the sampler and samples one is using can make a difference in "feel" as well. If I play around with the patches in BFD, different cymbals for instance give a much different playing feel and I sometimes have to change my trigger settings to achieve the feel I want between the different cymbals. Same goes for toms and snare. Kick seems to be less affected by this, dunno why. Keep in mind that the software you use can be a source of poor feel, as well.

For me, the most important settings to get right have been HighLevel, Threshold, Curve, Retrigger, DynTime and DynLevel, probably in that order to. Without a good HighLevel or Threshold, it's very difficult to find the correct values for other settings, at least in my experience.

I use a Hart Dynamics Studio Master 6.4 kit and I have a thread where I posted some settings but they've changed now. If there is indeed interest in my new settings (which again, aren't perfect, especially the hi-hat) then I'll remember to grab the MD from the studio next time and post them.
56 input Megadrum644, Tama Iron Cobra, Taye, Sonor, Roland, Yamaha, Gibraltar, Tascam.
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Re: Post your successful trigger settings

Postby gabriel1712 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:10 pm

Setting up the MD can be a daunting task, so it's about time we get this ball rolling.

Revision date:12. june 2009


HihatPedal: Not done, but good so far
- I have a challenge with my MD regarding ghost chicks

Hihat: Ok
+ Great dynamics, very responsive
- Soft edge stroke trigger many bow notes

Kick: Perfekt
+ Great dynamics, very responsive, nothing to improve

Mesh drums

Snare: Ok
+ Great sensitivity
- Slightly messy pressrolls
- Strong head stroke occationally pulls a rim note
- Some consistency problem (equal speed trigger variable velocity)
- Light Rim strokes often trigger head notes

The mesh pad has the head piezo from under, near the rim. I have added a muffler from top to dampening

Tom1: ok
- Some consistency problem (equal speed trigger variable velocity)
- Light Rim strokes often trigger head notes


Crash: Good
- Very soft edge stroke trigger bow notes. Retrigger on bow set high to avoid double notes in that case.

Curve: s1 on bow to delay 'crash-point'. I like to ride my crashes.

Ride - 2zone: Good
+ With 3rd zone disabled, edge and bell gives same sound with this setting (I use bell sample).
+ Great sensitivity
- Small tweaks in dynamics can be done

Ride - 3zone: Not done
- Getting consistent bell and egde is a hassle. I'll offer a midway point soon.

Crash2 : ok
- Soft edge stroke trigger bow notes.
- The pad has a hotspot weakness in design
- Dynamics on edge is uneven

I've made a chart. Feel free to download and write your own settings. Having it in a similar format makes it so much easier to compare.
MD Config skema.xls

Don't wait untill you have the perfect setting to publish!
Grade the quality of the setting with:
    Perfect (no room for improvement)
    Good (good enough to play live)
    OK (playable but far from good)

Most importantly, state why you grade it so, in as few words as posible.
Eg. soft head strokes retrigger
Great sensibility

And please update you results in the same post.
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