HiHat Pedal settings


Next screen HiHat Pedal->Type:

<HiHat Pedal   >
Type:   F.Contr 
<HiHat Pedal   >
Type:       Pot 

Set the type of the HiHat pedal. The only difference, at the moment , is that when it set to F.Contr (Foot Controller) MegaDrum send Control Change (CC) messages with the changes of the pedal position. And when it is set to Pot (Potentiometer) it doesn't send CC messages.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->New Algrthm:

<HiHat Pedal   >
New Algrthm: No 

New pedal handling algorithm for CC4 messages and Chick/Splash triggering. Default is No. When set to Yes it uses 4 settings:
If you press/release your pedal longer then ChkDead time period then no chick/splash will be triggered. To find right setting for it, navigate to Pedal->ChkDead and see detected values for various press speeds.
If you press/release your pedal slower then MinVlcty but shorter than ChkDead then chick/splash will have velocity 1.
If you press/release your pedal faster then MaxVlcty then chick/splash will have velocity 127 if started from full open or below 127 if started from lower position.
If you press/release your pedal with a velocity between MinVlcty and MaxVlcty then chick/splash will have velocity between 127 and 1 depending on where the press started and the press velocity.
ChkCrv is used to apply desired velocity Curve to chick/splash notes.
To configure:
a. navigate to Pedal->MaxVlcty and press the pedal as fast as possible. Note the "raw" velocity value you see and set MaxVlcty just below this value. In my case it was around 900.
b. navigate to Pedal->MinVlcty and press the pedal as slow as you want it to be still registered as chick. Note the "raw" velocity value you see and set MinVlcty just above this value. In my case it was around 400.
c. navigate to Pedal->ChckDead and press the pedal as slow as you want it to be still registered as chick. Note the "raw" timer value you see and set ChckDead just above this value. In my case it was around 600.
d. navigate to ChkCrv and set it to Exp2C. You may of course use another Curve or create a custom Curve for chicks and I recommend to use Exp2C as a starting point for the custom chick Curve.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->Curve:

<HiHat Pedal   >
Curve:  Linear  

Set a curve you want to apply to the HiHat pedal CC messages. Options are LinearC, Log1C, Log2C, Log3C, Exp1C, Exp2C, S1C, S2C, Strong1C, Strong2C. Default is LinearC. Can be used to metigate non-linearity of the pedal output.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->ChckDelay:

<HiHat Pedal   >
ChckDelay:    0 

Sets a number of milliseconds MegaDrum will wait before sending a Chick note, when you do a Chick. It can be set to any value above 0. If you set it to 0 you can only get Chicks. The higher ChckDelay the easier it is to get Splashes but the longer delays are when doing Chicks. If set too high, 15-30 milliseconds, you might begin noticing Chick latency.Default is 0.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->AltIn:

<HiHat Pedal   >
AltIn:       No 

Here you can choose to use either a standard HiHat pedal input if set to No, or an alternative high impedance HiHat pedal input if set to Yes. High impedance might need to be used with high impedance output pedals. Default is No.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->CC Value:

<HiHat Pedal   >
CC Value:     4 

Cotrol Change message number to be used with F.Contr type. Default is 4. 


Next screen HiHat Pedal->CC RdcLvl:

<HiHat Pedal   >
CC RdcLvl:    0 

CC MIDI messages reduction level . If set above 0 it reduces amount of CC MIDI messages for pedal position changes. Can be set between 0 (default - no reduction) and 3 (maximum reduction).


Next screen HiHat Pedal->LvlsRevers:

<HiHat Pedal   >
LvlsRevers:  No 

For some types of pedals it necessary to set it to Yes to reverse input levels read from a pedal.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->EnSoftChick:

<HiHat Pedal   >
EnSoftChick: No 

Enables or disables "soft chicks". "Soft chick" are HiHat "chicks" which are triggered when the pedal is pressed only half way and then quickly released. 

Next screen HiHat Pedal->LevelsAuto:

<HiHat Pedal   >
LevelsAuto: Yes 

If set to Yes MegaDrum will try automatically adjust HiHat Pedal->LowLevel nad HiHat Pedal->HiLevel after you pressed the pedal a few times. You may use it initially as a guidance for proper Low and High levels of the pedal. Once you saw what levels were auto set you'd better set it to No and adjust LowLevel and HiLevel values manually. Default is Yes.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->LowLevel:

<HiHat Pedal   >
LowLevel:    90 

Set the low level of the pedal, when pedal is fully pressed. If set too low you may not be able to get fully closed HiHat pedal.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->HiLevel:

<HiHat Pedal   >
HiLevel:    900 

Set the high level of the pedal, when pedal is fully open (released). If set too high you may not be able to get fully open HiHat pedal.

You should adjust both low and high level so that the values were as far apart as possible and yet the pedal reaches extreme positions. Use VU Meter (not very accurate), Big VU Meter (more accurate) or CC messages (with MDM Raw MIDI Log). When using CC messages and MDM Raw MIDI Log as a guidance you need to achieve such a configuration that CC messages are not sent by MegaDrum in extreme pedal positions.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->OpenLvl:
Next screen HiHat Pedal->SOpenLvl:
Next screen HiHat Pedal->SOpenLvl2:

Next screen HiHat Pedal->HOpenLvl:
Next screen HiHat Pedal->HOpenLvl2:

<HiHat Pedal >

OpenLvl:      8 

Measured against CC MIDI message value: 0 - for fully open, 127 - for fully closed. Set the level below which HiHat hits registered as open/semi open/semi open2/half open/half open2 hits.

Next screen HiHat Pedal->ClosedLvl:

<HiHat Pedal   >
ClosedLvl:  110 

Measured against CC MIDI message value: 0 - for fully open, 127 - for fully closed. Set the level below which HiHat hits registered as semi closed and above which as closed hits.


Next screens are HiHat Pedal->MinVlcty: MaxVlcty: ChckDead: and ChkCrv: 

<HiHat Pedal   >
MinVlcty:   400 
<HiHat Pedal   >
MaxVlcty:   900 
<HiHat Pedal   >
ChckDead:   600 
<HiHat Pedal   >
ChkCrv:   Exp2C 

These 4 settings are used only when "HiHat Pedal->New Algrthm:" is set to Yes. See recommendation for configuring these settings in HiHat Pedal->New Algrthm above.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->ChickThrsh:

<HiHat Pedal   >
ChickThrsh  120 

Measured against CC MIDI message value: 0 - for fully open, 127 - for fully closed. Set the level below which a following pedal 'step on' will generate a chick.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->ShrtChckTh:

<HiHat Pedal   >
ShrtChckTh  115 

Measured against CC MIDI message value: 0 - for fully open, 127 - for fully closed. Set the level below which a following pedal 'step on' will generate a chick with velocity between 1 and 64 depending on the speed with which the pedal is pressed.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->LngChckTh:

<HiHat Pedal   >
LngChckTh:   16 

Measured against CC MIDI message value: 0 - for fully open, 127 - for fully closed. Set the level below which a following pedal 'step on' will generate a chick with velocity between 1 and 127 depending on the speed with which the pedal is pressed.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->HHInput:

<HiHat Pedal   >
HHInput:      2 

Set the input number which will be paired with the HiHat pedal as a HiHat cymbal. It is set to input 2 by default which is a default HiHat cymbal input. It can be set to any even input number corresponding to a Bow input of a dual (3 zone) cymbal.

Next 3 screens HiHat Pedal->BowSO/EdgeSO/BellSO:

Next 3 screens HiHat Pedal->BowSO2/EdgeSO2/BellSO2:

<HiHat Pedal   >
BowSO: G1    44 

Set the note number which MegaDrum will send when you hit HiHat on the Bow/Edge/Bell and the HiHat pedal is between fully open and half pressed (half open). 

Next 3 screens HiHat Pedal->BowHO/EdgeHO/BellHO:

Next 3 screens HiHat Pedal->BowHO2/EdgeHO2/BellHO2:

<HiHat Pedal   >
BowHO: G1    44 

Set the note number which MegaDrum will send when you hit HiHat on the Bow/Edge/Bell and the HiHat pedal is half pressed (half open).

Next 3 screens HiHat Pedal->BowSCL/EdgeSCL/BellSCL:

<HiHat Pedal   >
BowSCL:G1    44 

Set the note number which MegaDrum will send when you hit HiHat on the Bow/Edge/Bell and the HiHat pedal is between half pressed (half open) and fully pressed. 

Next screen HiHat Pedal->BowCL/EdgeCL/BellCL:

<HiHat Pedal   >
BowCL: G1    44 

Set the note number which MegaDrum will send when you hit HiHat on the Bow/Edge/Bell and the HiHat pedal is fully pressed. 



Next screen HiHat Pedal->Chick:

<HiHat Pedal   >
Chick: F#2   42 

Set the note number which MegaDrum will send when you do HiHat chicks.


Next screen HiHat Pedal->Splsh:

<HiHat Pedal   >
Splsh: A#2   46 

Set the note number which MegaDrum will send when you do HiHat splashes.